Friday, March 15, 2013

Book Responses to "The Bell Curve"

No book as controversial as "The Bell Curve" can possibly be published without other books to the contrary entering the picture as well. In the future I hope to critique some of these books once I get a copy of each and manage to thoroughly read them. So far here are the titles I am aware of that look like they directly challenge TBC itself:

Yes, I'm aware there's probably more books that could also fit well on this list but for the purposes of this blog I am focusing mainly on books that are directly responses to TBC. For example, "The Mismeasure of Man" has some critical commentary in it's later edition relevant to TBC, but not enough to be worth doing blog posts about the book as a whole.
For now, this list will be what I'll work from in terms of published book critiques of TBC. In the future I'll take a look at other books that try to argue that intelligence is far more malleable than Herrnstein and Murray argued, such as "Intelligence and How to Get It" by Richard Nisbett.
Until then, I need to read TBC a few times as thoroughly as possible and from there most posts will center around key quotes from the book that contradict what many people think the book itself is about.

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